Saturday, May 17, 2014

Beauty's Daughter book REVIEW

It's been awhile since I did a book review. I've been reading quite a bit lately. I'll try to post more reviews on here! In the mean time you can check out my goodreads profile to keep up with what I am reading/mini reviews! 

Beauty's Daughter: The Story of Hermione and Helen of Troy
Here is a look at the book I am reviewing today! 

What it's about according to Goodreads
Hermione knows . . . her mother is Helen of Troy, the famed beauty of Greek myth. Helen is not only beautiful but also impulsive, and when she falls in love with charming Prince Paris, she runs off with him to Troy, abandoning her distraught daughter. Determined to reclaim their enchanting queen, the Greek army sails for Troy. Hermione stows away in one of the thousand ships in the fleet and witnesses the start of the legendary Trojan War.
     In the rough Greek encampment outside the walls of Troy, Hermione’s life is far from that of a pampered princess. Meanwhile, her mother basks in luxury in the royal palace inside the city. Hermione desperately wishes for the gods and goddesses to intervene and end the brutal war—and to bring her love. Will she end up with the handsome archer Orestes, or the formidable Pyrrhus, leader of a tribe of fierce warriors? And will she ever forgive her mother for bringing such chaos to her life and the lives of so many others?

What I thought: 
I gave it a 4/5 stars. I really liked this plot even though I am not usually interested in these fantasy-type books. I haven't read a ton of mythology stories but I do find them interesting. I read all 352 pages in 3 days because I got hooked. The plot is filled with twists and drama (like all good mythology stories). I didn't give this book 5 stars because I thought it was like 50 pages too long. I really recommend especially if you like reading dramatic books. 

Leave suggestions on books you recommend/want me to review! 

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