Thursday, April 10, 2014

Apps I'm obsessed with right now!

Sorry I haven't been posting much. I haven't felt like blogging after posting my Youtube videos. But here are some of the apps I love!

This is an app as well as a website! What you do is post pictures of clothing items you want to find where they come from and people help you locate them. You can also help other people locate what they're looking for! 

2. Imagoo 
This app you vote on pictures (what you like better, have you tried, etc.) and earn point for each thing you vote on. With those points you can redeem things like gift cards! This app is so fun it's kind of like a game for me. My username is heyitstay19.

3. Trendabl
This app you can shop for trendy clothes and post pictures of your outfits and where you got it from. I haven't played around with this as much but it's fun and when I start wearing cuter clothes I'll post more! My username is heyitstay19 in case you were wondering.

I really hope you download and check this apps out. Let my know what you think down below! What apps are you loving right now?

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