Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My first ULTA experience!

So, I love watching makeup/beauty vlogs on Youtube. Every makeup guru in the history of gurus talk about Ulta it seems. The closest Ulta to me is about 30 minutes away but my cousins live about 10 minutes away so after seeing them I went with my mom.
I had to take a picture whatta nerd lol side note: iphone 5 camera is no joke right?
I was SOOOO disappointed! I had been excited to go since everyone talks about how they go. I normally go to Sephora since its closer.
The reason I was disappointed was they were REARRANGING the store so you couldn't get access to the drugstore products!!!! I think once they finish/fix that mess I'll love it. You could get the high end products which are nice to look at but I can't afford :( So the things I went/wanted to see, I couldn't. I wanted to cry. Is that too dramatic? Can you tell I love makeup?
Anyways, I'm going to give it another try in like a month and hopefully they have their stuff together! Leave comments below telling me what products you love at Ulta (high end or drugstore)
If someone else could tell me they had this happen to them I'd be very happy and it'd help the heartbreak lol. 

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