Saturday, April 19, 2014

Game obsession!

I know I just posted about apps but I HAVE ANOTHER! This time it is a game called Episode. I've seen advertisements for this on Imagoo (I think). So I finally downloaded it because it was on the top game charts for free simulation games. Now I'm OBSESSED! 

It's a game where you go through different stories (I started with Campus Crush & Real Hollywood) and you pick different paths you can go down. Like on Campus Crush you can choose to join a sorority or not. It's really fun and they have tons of different chapters to go through. You can get new stories every four days (I believe. Could be three). The only thing I HATE is that you can only play two chapters every four hours. Waiting sucks! 

If you don't want to wait you can pay passes or refer friends! My referral code is XG4SQSL7LX 
If you use my code I get a free pass that lets me play another chapter and so will you! 

There is a warning if you play certain chapters that it has mature content. They do talk about drinking and some other adult topics. Nothing too vulgar but I wouldn't recommend for anyone under 13. 

So if you download it let me know how you like or if you play what stories do like?!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Apps I'm obsessed with right now!

Sorry I haven't been posting much. I haven't felt like blogging after posting my Youtube videos. But here are some of the apps I love!

This is an app as well as a website! What you do is post pictures of clothing items you want to find where they come from and people help you locate them. You can also help other people locate what they're looking for! 

2. Imagoo 
This app you vote on pictures (what you like better, have you tried, etc.) and earn point for each thing you vote on. With those points you can redeem things like gift cards! This app is so fun it's kind of like a game for me. My username is heyitstay19.

3. Trendabl
This app you can shop for trendy clothes and post pictures of your outfits and where you got it from. I haven't played around with this as much but it's fun and when I start wearing cuter clothes I'll post more! My username is heyitstay19 in case you were wondering.

I really hope you download and check this apps out. Let my know what you think down below! What apps are you loving right now?