Last night on MTV, a new show called Finding Carter premiered. The show had a 2 hour premiere starting at 10pm. I watched it because it had an interesting premise. The show is about a girl named Carter who finds out that who she thought was her mom was actually her KIDNAPPER THAT'S HELD HER FOR 13 YEARS.
Here's what I thought (please don't get mad at my opinions): bottom line I didn't like it. I love the premise but that's were it stopped. The main character was soooo unlikable. She was rude and bitchy every time she opened her mouth. It was impossible for me to feel sorry for her as this show wanted you to be. I really tried to be understanding but she didn't deserve it. Also the casting was weird. "Carter" looked older than 16 (which the actress is but it seemed obvious to me) and her "twin sister" looked 14 making Carter even older looking. The show also didn't have any eye candy! I watch Pretty Little Liars which is ALL eye candy so I didn't have anything to keep me interested! 2 hours is A LONG TIME. I honestly got bored after the first hour (probably earlier if I'm being honest like you can only take so much meaness in one show). Sorry for this rant the show just irritated me and I'm afraid people are going to think that being like the Carter character is cool (she's a bitch to everyone mostly with no reason and does multiple drugs and drinks like a fish NOT a good role model). So let's just say I will not be tuning in anymore.